About Me
Who is Connor?
I am Connor! A senior software test engineer that works remotely from Whitley Bay, UK! Over the last 7 years working in IT I have worked on so many projects and with so many tools and never sat down to document my journey. My aim now is to start documenting some of the tools that I use, discuss some of the meet-ups I attend and generally just start to share my experience!
In the beginning...
My career in technology started in 2017 as an apprentice on the HMRC Fast Track scheme. The scheme has provided me a solid platform in automated, performance, security and accessibility test practices. Some of my early projects included massive user bases such as Tax Credits and the Personal Tax Account. Working on such high profile projects with excellent mentors I developed a keen eye for quality and inclusivity.
What came next?
I progressed into the world of consulting where I’ve honed my skills in test automation, performance testing, and accessibility compliance. Quite early on I got the opportunity to improve processes by introducing automated testing, and mentoring others, for one of the UK's largest Payroll services.
My Role at NearForm
Nearform has been the greatest role in my career thus far. Having spent most of my time working in Web, I have made the jump into the mobile app space and worked with some top class professionals. I can't wait to share some of the things I've learned at Nearform in this space as it's been a real game changer for my professional career!
My Passion for Accessible Software
Accessibility has always been close to my heart. I believe technology should be inclusive and accessible to all, and I strive to implement best practices in every project I’m part of. One of my aunts is registered blind, and as I learned about the difficulties she faced it became important to me to be able to break down some of those barriers for her. Beyond my work, I participate in workshops and seminars to share my knowledge and encourage others to prioritise accessibility in their development processes and co-organise the Ministry of Testing meet-up in Newcastle Upon Tyne.
Many Thanks!
If you got this far then thank you for reading my introduction to this new blog space and about my journey. If you have any questions on would like to connect you can find me on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/connorirvinenearform/
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